Tuesday 26 July 2011

Several hours later and after setting up the tent, we decided to go for a walk into the Town. I had disconnected what I thought was the offending panel which suddenly started to bleep after bouncing over a bump in the road and left it for a while to be plugged back in when we returned
( it works with computers?)
We bought some rather nice treats for the weekend; duck eggs, cakes, scones and jam etc, before returning to the camp site. The dealers who we
purchased the van from had promise dto return our call by 4 o’clock, which they did and suggested I check the connection under the drivers seat this being the last place that they had had a hand in.....shoddy work, the jolt had dislodged a wire they had not secured properly.
The bleeping panel is fixed, sprang into life and lesley can now watch TV. I am off to make a cup of coffee and eat a danish pastry we have  just brought back. 

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